Europe's Amazon

Ukraine, Romania, Moldova

Europe's Amazon

Ukraine, Romania, Moldova



Incredible numbers of species have found sanctuary in this wild paradise. The Danube Delta is Europe’s unrivalled wetland.

‘Europe’s Amazon’ takes us through the vast network of wetland and channels in this 580,000-hectare delta. Over 200 thousand hectares of reed beds take root in these wetlands. The delta harbours the largest number of fish species anywhere in Europe and massive amounts of waterbirds of all kinds find their home here.

Beavers are making their return into the area and also white-tailed eagles show a remarkable comeback. And with plenty of food and shelter, the opportunistic golden jackal is thriving here.

The area has unprecedented potential for wetland restoration and rewilding.




Learn more about our work in this rewilding area


Learn more about our work in this rewilding area



Wetland restoration

Wetlands are some of the planet’s most productive ecosystems. They not only support immense biodiversity, but they also provide an optimum natural environment for the sequestration and long-term storage of carbon dioxide.

Rewilding of wetlands can help mitigate our climate impact by turning them back from carbon sources into carbon sinks. In the Danube Delta, our local team works to significantly improve the natural functioning of delta habitat, using rewilding principles on a landscape scale. Revitalised natural processes, particularly flooding and natural grazing, help to recover a healthy ecosystem that can provide people and nature with its myriad of benefits.


Hefty herbivores to bring back natural dynamics

 In May last year, seven water buffalo were translocated to Ermakov Islands in the Danube Delta. Through natural grazing, these hefty herbivores help create a more diverse landscape by preventing any single plant species from becoming over-dominant.

As one of nature’s great engineers. they also create new habitats by trampling and wallowing. Their organic waste provides habitat and food for many insects, while the small pools of water they create are important for amphibians such as red-bellied toads and tree frogs. Interacting with natural flooding and other natural processes, these completely free-living large herbivores will greatly diversify the dynamics and habitats on the island.


Reflooding and reconnecting

In the Danube Delta, we are working on the removal of dams and large-scale reflooding of former polders, and reconnecting Danube lakes with the main river again.

As part of the Dam Removal Europe initiative, Rewilding Europe is actively working to restore free-flowing rivers in Europe. The main focus is on the removal of old, obsolete dams. Natural rivers provide better opportunities for fisheries, flood protection, drinking water, recreation and nature.

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