Return of the Titans

Romania, Germany, Slovakia

Hans Koster

Return of the Titans

Romania, Germany, Slovakia

At the southern end of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, an initiative is underway to create one of Europe’s largest wilderness landscapes south of the Arctic Circle.

In the Carpathian Mountains, a wildlife reintroduction is transforming the land and making Europe’s untamed heart, even wilder. The European bison, which once teetered on the brink of extinction, now thrive in the Southern Carpathians. Herds reshape the landscape, calves are born wild, predator and prey alike benefit. Together these creatures are reviving the Carpathian Mountains, making one of the wildest places on the continent even wilder.


Bringing back the Bison

Rewilding Europe supports the efforts to bring back the European bison (also called the wisent) to its ancestral lands. Establishing new wild bison populations in several of our rewilding areas, and assisting the return of bison also to other places in Europe. Our largest bison re-introduction project is in the Southern Carpathians in Romania, where we are releasing over 120 bison into the wild, together with WWF Romania.


Wildlife comeback

With its large cities, modern infrastructure network and extensive areas under intensive agriculture, Europe seems an unlikely place for a large carnivore comeback. But despite this, these animals are surviving and increasing outside protected areas in Europe.Perhaps the most remarkable comeback is that of the wolf. This comeback shows the amazing resilience of these animals. Rewilding Europe is creating a positive environment for a continued comeback of these species. We work to reconnect people with such animals, reduce human-wildlife conflicts and develop opportunities for sustainable business based linked to wildlife.


Partners involved

Discover the Southern Carpathians for yourself

As part of helping to build local, nature-based economies we believe that nature travel is one way to support the rewilding of these areas. The European Safari Company offers you the opportunity to experience the stunning landscapes and spectacular wildlife of our rewilding areas, while at the same time ensuring sustainable travel and helping nature and local communities.

Heavily committed to providing clients with access to wilder nature, local cultures, spectacular landscapes and unique wildlife experiences, the European Safari Company differentiates itself through its strong connection and support for rewilding and nature-based economies.

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