The missing lynx

Portugal, Spain

Staffan Widstrand

The missing lynx

Portugal, Spain


The Greater Côa Valley in Portugal lies nestled between the Douro river and Malcata mountains. An unprecedented, large-scale opportunity exists here today for the rewilding of this beautiful area.

In the episode ‘The Missing Lynx” of Europe’s New Wild, we embark on a journey to the Greater Côa Valley. River gorges, oak forests, rocky heathlands and scattered fields constitute a spectacular mix of landscapes within the area. Scores of unique species live here.

Rewilding Europe is working with its local partners to shape the Greater Côa Valley. Land-abandonment is turned into an opportunity to help nature recover and revitalize the area by supporting rewilding-focused enterprises that offer nature-based tourism.

Natural grazing with large herbivores has become a key natural process that facilitates species comeback and acts as a way to help prevent excessive forest fires.



Learn more about our work in this rewilding area


Learn more about our work in this rewilding area



Reforging the Circle of Life

By boosting the availability of wild prey and carcasses, we work on closing the so-called “circle of life” in our rewilding areas. While artificial feeding by means of so-called “vulture restaurants” is a useful tool to support scavengers, our main focus will always be to help scavenging species – across all our operational areas – by boosting the availability of wild herbivore carcasses. European vulture populations are now slowly but steadily recovering, thanks to reintroductions and species protection.


Rural land abandonment as an opportunity

Rural economies, societies and landscapes across much of Europe are changing as rural to urban migration intensifies. Although land abandonment can and does have a number of negative consequences including biodiversity loss and acute socio-economic decline, it is also presenting a number of compelling new opportunities.
Rewilding Europe is creatively using these opportunities to build new nature-driven economies that can serve to reverse these damaging trends.


Discover the Greater Côa Valley yourself

As part of helping to build local, nature-based economies we believe that nature travel is one way to support the rewilding of these areas. The European Safari Company offers you the opportunity to experience the stunning landscapes and spectacular wildlife of our rewilding areas, while at the same time ensuring sustainable travel and helping nature and local communities.

Heavily committed to providing clients with access to wilder nature, local cultures, spectacular landscapes and unique wildlife experiences, the European Safari Company differentiates itself through its strong connection and support for rewilding and nature-based economies.

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